Waste incineration - chronic poisoning of the people/ Kryo- Recycling
Viedoplaylist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmksbtvFZ-o&list=PLYE3FxlSdO9WMHvbiqlDDMebRxP8VAn49
Short link to the english content: http://bit.ly/gRnBf4
Petition to European Parliament against incineration
Debates on EU in English
Your questions to german politicans
The organisators of this Congress were not able, to be everywere in the world to sell this book. So I dicided in arrangement with the other fighters for kryo- recycling --- after copying the german version from the lecture- manusscript --- to copy also the english version.
-Analogy to cigarette burn- down
-Types of waste for incineration
-Why are so many different types of waste earmarked for incineration?http://sites.google.com/site/kryorecycling/warum
-a) On (1) Incineration techniques
-b) On (2) Halogenated organic matter in WIPs instead of HWIPs?
What happens with the countless reacion products from WIPs?
-c) Slags, ashes, filter dusts
--(a) Slag
-What ist the protective function of the 17th Federal Ambient Pollution Control Ordinance?
-"Total" dust
-Organic substances denoted as "total" carbon
-Polychlorinated dioxins/furans (PCCD/PCDF)
-What does the incinerator lobby say about it?
-What does engineers and chemists say?
--(a) Formation of PCDD/PCDF
--(b) Taking samples, preparing samples, isolation, idenification of single isomers
--(c) The influende of waste incineration plant (WIP) combustion and gas cleaning technology on dioxin emissions
--(d) Relevance for environment an toxicity
-What do responsible doctors and biologists say?
--* DDT
--* The silent spring
--* Effects of poisoning
--* Dr. Rosins microcosm model and HCF 134a
-What do action groups and environmental organizations say?
-Do alternative exist?
-On (1)Cryogenic plastics recycling/ Kryo- Recycling
--* The new low temperature refrigeration technology
--* The new grinding technology
--* The new separation and sorting technology
--* Outlook on Kryo- Recycling
-On (2) Biological- mechanical treatment in a three- phased process--* Dr. Rosins BMT- Concept
--* Differences from BMT and Incineration
--* Compost- soil
Audio und Video:
Only in german language:
Viedoplaylist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmksbtvFZ-o&list=PLYE3FxlSdO9WMHvbiqlDDMebRxP8VAn49
Short link to the english content: http://bit.ly/gRnBf4
Petition to European Parliament against incineration
Debates on EU in English
Your questions to german politicans
For the international disksussion, this english version is necessary in the internet. Pleace write your answer/ questions on my blog.
Pleace make a link from other pages to this text. When there is the chance, pleace copy this text on other internet pages. So, we can be sure, that this text will not get lost for the public.
I hope to give much more publicity to this context by openining this knowledge for the internet, to stop pollution and distroying of our earth and our childrens future.
Felix Staratschek, Freiligrathstr. 2, D - 42477 Radevormwald
The next chapter is conected under each text. Normally you will find the English text under the german text on the same page. Some longer chapters have only one page for one language.
-Analogy to cigarette burn- down
-Are WIPs disposal plants or synthesis plants?
-Types of waste for incineration
-Why are so many different types of waste earmarked for incineration?http://sites.google.com/site/kryorecycling/warum
-a) On (1) Incineration techniques
-b) On (2) Halogenated organic matter in WIPs instead of HWIPs?
What happens with the countless reacion products from WIPs?
-c) Slags, ashes, filter dusts
--(a) Slag
--(b) Fly ash, filter dusts
-What ist the protective function of the 17th Federal Ambient Pollution Control Ordinance?
-"Total" dust
-Organic substances denoted as "total" carbon
-Polychlorinated dioxins/furans (PCCD/PCDF)
-What does the incinerator lobby say about it?
-What does engineers and chemists say?
--(a) Formation of PCDD/PCDF
--(b) Taking samples, preparing samples, isolation, idenification of single isomers
--(c) The influende of waste incineration plant (WIP) combustion and gas cleaning technology on dioxin emissions
--(d) Relevance for environment an toxicity
-What do responsible doctors and biologists say?
--* DDT
--* The silent spring
--* Effects of poisoning
--* Dr. Rosins microcosm model and HCF 134a
-What do action groups and environmental organizations say?
-Do alternative exist?
-On (1)Cryogenic plastics recycling/ Kryo- Recycling
--* The new low temperature refrigeration technology
--* The new grinding technology
--* The new separation and sorting technology
--* Outlook on Kryo- Recycling
-On (2) Biological- mechanical treatment in a three- phased process--* Dr. Rosins BMT- Concept
--* Differences from BMT and Incineration
--* Compost- soil
Audio und Video:
Only in german language:
Answer from the green party in the german fereral parliamnet
English Links: